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TotalAV for Windows v5.x of the TotalAV Windows application runs on Win 10, 8 and 7 Main Screen & Menus Antivirus Screens Additional Features

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TotalAV for Windows

v5.x of the TotalAV Windows application runs on Win 10, 8 and 7

Main Screen & Menus

Antivirus Screens

Additional Features

This provides users a simple results interface to manage which applications and software open on computer startup
here we enable users to see if their email address has been included in any known data breaches from across the internet
a safe location to store passwords, we offer a browser extension to autofill passwords stored in the vault into websites

here we see the various VPN locations TotalAV offers for users to connect to

this service blocks users from accessing known dangerous websites within their web browser

The imagery we use across our brand is representative of both our values and our users.

Our product needs to be portrayed as accessible and user-friendly to all.

Total Photography