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Numbers and statistics are written in numerical form.
All quotes or facts are sourced with Annotations.
Article Titles
Unique and catchy, but also clear and concise.
No sex-related words in the titles.
No profanity in titles.
We do not use misleading titles to generate clicks.
Body of Article
Authors write in a casual, second person voice to ensure clarity in communication while remaining approachable.
All outside references are sourced (with linked Annotations). This includes any studies, articles, or other research that is used within an article to support the viewpoint.
We provide resources for all factual information (statistics, definitions, studies). We do so by stating where the information came from and providing an annotation, with a link at the end of the article.
When discussing potential outcomes and options, we use words like “may” , “can”, or “might” so that it is clear we are not making promises about potential outcomes.
We do not use any language that might mislead a reader into thinking our content is a substitute for professional advice.