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Callouts allow the user to create stylized boxes for featured content. These boxes give users a visual cue that the information is important and offset the featured content from the rest of the page.

This shortcode allows you to create stylized boxes of text within a post that stand out on the page. You can change the style and text. Also, you cannot use HTML Code or other short codes as callout content.



  • These callout examples are based on the WalletGenius theme.
  • Callouts can be re-styled in many ways - such as removing the icon, changing colors etc.

States & Variations

We currently support 8 different styles of callouts:


Info: type=”info” – This is the “info” style callout box.


Note: type=”note” – This is the “note” style callout box.


Success: type=”success” – This is the “success” style callout box.


Error: type=”error” – This is the “error” style callout box.


Warning: type=”warning” – This is the “warning” style callout box.


Question: type=”question” – This is the “question” style callout box.


Tip: type=”tip” – This is the “tip” style callout box.

Key Takeaways

Key-takeaways: type=”key-takeaways” – This is the “key” style callout box.

No Icon

In order to remove the icon, a developer will need to hide the icon-container with CSS

Info: type=”info” – This is the “info” style callout box.


Callout short codes always begin with [ unified_callout type="TYPE" ] and end with [ /unified_callout ]

Option name Possible values Default value
Callout style
info, note, success, error, warning, question, tip, key-takeaways info
Enter a word or two, without spaces, to make a unique web address just for this element. Then, you’ll be able to link directly to this section of your page.
Any string value, without spaces – none –